Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog #2 9/13-9/17

It was a normal summer day in California and all was going well.  The Smith family had just returned home from a rough days work and was preparing supper.  The news had reported that there had been and earthquake down along the Mexican border but warned civilians of Southern California not to panic.  The Smiths didn't think anything of it and continued on with what they were doing.  It had begun to get hot out, real hot, and the sense that something was wrong began to emerge.  As Mrs. Smith was cooking dinner, she looked out the window and noticed that all the birds had begun to fly frantically all around the house.  A rumble started to come from what seemed to be the basement.  Naturally, the entire family ran down stairs to see where this noise was coming from.  When arriving at the base of the stairs, they immediately knew that the noise was coming from the ground around the house.  They sprinted upstairs to evacuate the house thinking the earthquake would ruin their house.  As they reached the top of the stairs, Mr. Smith heard the dog barking in the bathroom.  Instantly he ran in the room and grabbed the dog.  With the dog in his hands he took a step for the door when and explosion occurred knocking the man on his back.  Water had begun to spray everywhere and made the room a very scary environment to be in.  With the entire house shaking, the man knew that escaping the house would be difficult and decided to ride out the quake from where he was.