Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog1 Future 9/24

                In the future I hope to see myself being successful.  With my senior year I plan on making to most out of it and making it a time I’ll never forget.  After high school I plan on attending a four year college.  I am still undecided about whether or not I would like to go to school in New York State or if I want to travel and attend a school out of state.  When I pick the school I want to attend, I plan on studying and majoring in physical education.  I would also like to get my master’s degree in Health Education.  While at college, I hope to play football and compete for a championship.  After high school I would like to find a job close to where I grew up.  As well as being a physical education teacher, I would also like to be involved with coaching high school sports and eventually become a head varsity football coach.  Later on in my career, I plan on possibly becoming an athletic director and taking part in high school athletic committees.  While all of this takes place, I will to find a nice home and a place to settle down where I feel comfortable in raising a family.  I hope to have a couple of kids and give them great opportunities to be successful.  Overall, I just hope on living a happy life and being able to have a lot of fun with my friends and make my family proud.

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