Friday, November 12, 2010

3 people

If I could have lunch with three people, they would have to be Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter and Jon Gruden. All three of these men are highly respected as athletes and as people with high character and I believe that I could learn a lot from them. Peyton Manning is known to be one of the headiest quarterbacks in the history of professional football. The man has broken several records and is a true competitor. With all the success that he has had, he still continues to have one of the hardest work ethics throughout the league. Derek Jeter has solidified himself as one the greatest Yankees of all time. From the moment he has been on the field, he has made a direct impact on the team. Over his career, he has become one of the best leaders in the history of baseball. Off the field, Derek Jeter has started charities and has always been a very generous person and is very well respected. Jon Gruden has been an NFL coach for a number of different teams. He has always been successful and has leaded his team to at least one super bowl. He has been known as a coach who rarely takes a minute off. In one of his books, he noted that he would average around three hours of sleep a night. The man is a great coach and an even better person. I feel that if I had an opportunity to eat lunch with these three gentlemen I would leave there a better person than when I arrived.

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