Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things I'm Grateful For

One thing that I am especially grateful for in my life is my family. In my eyes, I have the best family in the world. Growing up, my mother and father have always been there for me. No matter what I have ever done, they have always been there to support me and mentor me. They have always given me everything I have ever needed to be successful. When it came to sports, they would have made sure I had the equipment I needed and would always make sure I had to a ride to every practice and every game. They would spend their money to send me to camps and clinics to insure that I got the best opportunity to become the best player that I could be. Academically, they have always made it clear to me that grades come first and if I ever forgot that, sports would be out of the picture for me. My brother on the other hand has always been there for me in ways that my parents sometimes couldn’t. Whenever I wanted to go outside and toss the football around or shoot some hoops, I always had my little wingman following right behind me. Over the years, it seems that he has also become one of my greatest supporters as well. One thing that I was surprised to learn this summer was the work ethic that my brother has developed. On a Saturday night in the summer when I would be sitting at home watching T.V., my brother would be getting his stuff ready to go to the field and workout for the upcoming season. It really hit me then that I kind of started to look up to my little brother and all that he has accomplished. No matter what I have ever done with my life, I have always had my family there supporting me. My grandparents and uncles and aunts are at every one of my games and I couldn’t ask for a greater family.

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