Friday, November 19, 2010


Winning is being able to proud of things that you have accomplished. Winning is not always determined by the scoreboard but rather by yourself determining whether or not you can look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you left it all on the field or whatever competition you may have been a part of. For example, if you are playing an opponent in which you know you are expected to beat by a large margin, winning the game might not exactly be winning in your mind. If it is a game in which you should have no difficulty beating your opponent, you should want to focus on playing a perfect game and doing the little things better than usual. Also, many times in sports, winning can be determined by the amount of effort a person puts into the game. In a game, if a player gives his best effort and yet still loses, he might still feel as if he won. Thinking about all the time and effort he put into preparing for the game and everything he ever did to make himself better, he might feel that he did everything he could and that in his eyes, he is a winner for everything he has accomplished. For me, I think that winning is determined by the amount of effort that one puts into preparing for something. If a person is dedicated and puts numerous hours of work and thought into something, than I feel that if they give it all and never give up that they are entitled to be crowned winners no matter what the outcome is. No matter what the sport is or whatever the event is that the person is preparing for, if they are dedicated and work hard than I will see them as a winner in my eyes.

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