Monday, November 8, 2010


The way my family celebrates thanksgiving is probably pretty ordinary compared to other families. The day usually starts out with the guys in our family meeting at our cabin early in the morning and hunting. Everyone always has off from work on Thanksgiving so we usually are able to get a lot of people up there and we always share a lot of laughs. Around eleven o’clock, we start to gather are things together and head home. When we get home, we are greeted with the scents of numerous foods and desserts being baked. This immediately puts us in the Thanksgiving mood. Around 12:30 we head down to my grandma’s house which is right down the street and meet up with the rest of my mom’s family. The guys watch football and the ladies cook and prepare the food. Around 3:00, we are called to the dinner table and the feast begins. Turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, corn, rolls and cranberry sauce are usually what I start with. I usually can get in another plate like this before I get full. My favorite part of this meal would probably have to be the broccoli casserole. Something about it just makes me wanting more and I always end up eating more of that than anything else. For dessert, we always have an assortment of different flavored pies and a slush cake. With a nice cup a coffee, these dessert cap off a wonderful meal and usually leave me ready for bed.

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