Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dream Job

My dream job would have to be a professional football player. I can only imagine how incredible it must be to be a professional athlete. Football is my favorite sport and I am a huge NFL fan. Every Sunday when I go to the Bill’s game, I think about how much I would love to be on that field warming up every Sunday. I think about how much I would love to be able to earn a living for doing something that I love. Football has always been something that I have been a part of and it has always been a sort of tradition in my family. My dad was a high school football coach for a long time and I spent many of my younger years as the water boy for his teams. I always would play football games when I was a kid with my friends before I was actually old enough to play organized football. When I was six years old, I played pee-wee football for Alden Junior Football. Every year since then I have been playing football and helping out whenever I could. When I was in middle school, I would help the varsity team out by compiling stats and lending a hand on the sidelines. Football is something that I love and it has been very beneficial to me. I have never had a problem with preparing for football or putting in the extra hours to make myself better. Football is something that I have always loved and I would be honored to be able to be a professional football player and make money doing something I love.

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