Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blog 1

One thing I have learned about myself as a writer in this class is that I have an easier time writing about things I have an interest in. Often, I get assigned these blog topics that I know nothing about and I have a horrendous time trying to come up with three hundred words. It is almost painful trying to write about some of these topics because I just don’t know anything about them. I sit in front of my computer and cringe trying to think about the next word to type. Now, on the other hand, when I get assigned a topic to write about that I have an interest in, I fly through it. The words just pop into my head and a get the topic done in no time. My writing process is somewhat simple. I think about the topic in my head and try to write about it in a logical process that flows together nicely. A couple things that I like to write about are sports, athletic events and things that I am a part of. For example, I enjoyed writing about the athletic association and the pep grant because I take part in both of those groups. Things I don’t like to write about are art, beauty and other things like that. For me, I have no idea what any of those things are and I find it difficult to come up with three hundred words describing it. I must say though, since taking this class, I believe I have become a better writer. With all of the writing we do, it has become easier for me to write about things. I believe that my work has more flow now than it ever has and that it is easier to read. Online publishing has helped me in many ways.

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