Friday, December 10, 2010


One day I was in the back yard admiring the beautiful garden my neighbor had planted when I noticed that the gnome was walking towards me. Stunned at what I was looking at, I stood completely still and watched this figure walk towards me. When he arrived at the base of my feet, he looked up at me and said that he had a lot to tell me. The first thing that he told me was that in the winter time, it gets very cold outside and he would appreciate it if someone would have enough decencies to take him inside when it gets cold. He said that he doesn’t enjoy spending the entire winter buried in snow while everyone else is inside by the nice warm fire. The next thing that he told me was quite interesting. For a while now, our family has had trouble with our garden being torn up by animals. We always thought that it was just the deer ruining the plants and that we would just have to put a fence up to keep them out. The gnome told me that while we were busy thinking that it was the deer causing all of the problems, we forgot to think of the possibility that our dog was the one who was causing all of the havoc. He told me that when everyone is gone at work, the dog gets so caught up in his play, that he forgets where he is running sometimes, often it’s in our garden ruining all of our plants. Silly of us, we never thought that our dog was the one who was causing all of the trouble. Thankfully, we had the gnome on lookout for us.

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