Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Favorite Shows

Growing up, there were a lot of shows that I enjoyed watching. Some of my top favorites were Franklin the Turtle, Ninja Turtles and Bugs Bunny. I liked these shows for a variety of reasons. For starters, I liked Franklin the Turtle because Franklin was always very nice to his fellow turtles and I guess watching turtles just amused me. I remember thinking to myself that I found it weird that a turtle would be talking but that never steered me away from it. I liked the Ninja turtles because they were always an exciting show to watch. They were always action packed and they I had cool names like Michelangelo and Raphael. Plus they always used cool weapons and they always saved the day for people. I often wished I could be a Ninja Turtle after I watched this show. Bugs Bunny was one of my favorite shows of all time. Everything that Bugs Bunny did just made me laugh. The way he looked, the way he moved, the way he acted when Elmer Fudd was trying to shoot him were all things that cracked me up. I tended to laugh most when I saw Elmer Fudd chasing after the elusive creature calling him a siwwy wabbit. All of these shows took up a lot of my time and really enjoyed all of them. Cartoons were something I always loved and they always made me laugh. Franklin was a great turtle and the Ninja Turtles were awesome. They were my favorite.

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