Friday, January 14, 2011

Super Bowl Champs

This year there are eight teams left in the NFL playoffs. The matchups for this weekend are Green Bay vs. Atlanta, New England vs. New York, Seattle vs. Chicago and Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore. Each game has its own suspense but I especially look forward to watching the Pittsburgh game and the New England game. Since the season has started, I have swayed back and forth in deciding who I think will make it to the Super Bowl and win it this year. The year started with me once again having high hopes for the bills. But like usual, it was time for me to get over that after week 3. Up to just recently, I liked the way that Philadelphia had been playing and really thought that they could make a deep run and win the entire thing. But, after losing in the first round, I was forced to make new predictions. Being in the same division as New England, I have seen how competitive they really are and I think that they are going to be tough to beat. With that being said, I also think that Pittsburgh and Baltimore have what it takes to win it all. In the NFC, I think it will either be Green Bay or Atlanta. Atlanta has been solid all year but they have to face a Green Bay team that is heated up and playing great football. I predict the upset and see the Green Bay Packers playing against the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Super Bowl. Although I am a huge Aaron Rodgers fan, I think that the Pack will meet its match when the face up against Big Ben and the rest of the Steelers. Pittsburgh has experience and I just think that Big Ben will always keep his team in the game. I predict that the Pittsburgh Steelers will be the Super Bowl Champs this year.

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