Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog 1 Favorite Songs

When thinking about my favorite song, I have a hard time just thinking of one. There are so many songs that I have really enjoyed listening too. One of the more recent songs like to listen to has to be “Right Above It” by Lil Wayne. I just recently heard this song for the first time the other day and really liked the beat to it. One song that I heard a while ago was “2012” by Jay Sean featuring Nicki Minaj. This is just one of those songs that always seem to put me in a good mood whenever I listen to it. One song that always makes me and my friends laugh whenever we listen to it is “Teach Me How to Dougie” by California Swag District. We always crack up when we hear it because it usually ends up with one of us trying to pull off the dance that goes with it and not being able to perform as good as the California Swag District does it. Another song that is like this for us is “Pretty Boy Swag” by Soulja Boy. The combination of the lyrics and the beat just seem to put everyone in the dancing mood. When I play football, I love being able to listen to “Thunderstruck” by ACDC before games. This is in my opinion one of the greatest pump- up songs of all time and really gets me ready to play. As you can see, these are just a few of my favorite songs that I like listening too.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be a fan of high tempo beats. Check out some pump up songs, I think you'll enjoy them.
