Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog 2 Favorite Class

The best class in the world has to be online publishing. I love online publishing for many reasons. First reason is because I get to spend my entire 80 minutes next to Nate Bailey. Nate Bailey is so much fun to be around and he and I share many laughs together. Also, many of my other friends are in this class and make it a relaxing environment to be in. The next reason has to be because my brother is in the class and carries all my papers for me in his folder so I can usually come to class not having to worry about whether or not I forgot anything. The projects we do in class are enjoyable because we are usually on our own and have plenty of time to get them finished. The blogs that we are assigned to do are always on fun topics and make for good conversation during class discussion. Our articles that we are assigned to write about are always on subjects that we choose and usually are things that we can all relate too. Most of the articles are about events that take place in school and they get a lot of student’s recognition for good things they have done. Mr. Currin always does a great job of keeping the class loose and keeping everyone involved which makes me look forward to coming to class every day. Online publishing is my favorite class and I am thankful that I decided to take it because I have a ton of fun in it and I feel that it has made me a better writer.

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