Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog 3 Scariest Moment

One time, a friend and I were driving home late at night on a dark and isolated road. It was in the middle of the country and there wasn’t another car on the road. It was around two in the morning and the road was pitch black. When coming around a bend, our headlights showed the back side of an object standing on the wrong side of the road. As we got closer, we could make out that it was an actual person and that the man was standing slightly hunched over, facing the oncoming traffic lane. As we got closer, we were able to see that the man was not moving much but just continued to remain looking forward. While approached the man, we were able to see that he was wearing normal street clothes and still continued to remain motionless. When are vehicle passed him, the man instantly, bolted behind are vehicle almost touching it. I was not able to see the man run behind us, but heard the scream from my passenger who watched the man do this in our rear view mirror. At this point, we were both pretty shocked as to what had just happened and were slight freaked out. When I was reached my house, I thought my trouble were over. While I was talking to my friend on the phone on their way back home, I heard a frantic scream come from the other end of the phone. Frightened, I immediately ran out the door to head to my car because my friend wasn’t answering. Finally, they responded and said that the man who we had seen earlier was standing in the middle of the road and made my friend drive around him, never moving once and forcing my friend to slow down while doing this. We never figured out who the man was or what he was doing. This was probably the scariest thing I have ever had happen to me.

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