Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog 1 Nate Boss?

“Is Nate Bailey the boss,” a question which is asked commonly throughout the hallways of Alden High School. What does it take to be a “Boss?” Does Nathan have what it takes to be called a “Boss?” According to the Urban Dictionary, a boss is someone who is “Incredibly Awesome; miraculous; great.” Personally, I don’t know if Nate has what it takes yet. Although Nathan hasn’t hesitated to tell people that he is the Boss, I just don’t know if he has earned the title yet. When I ask Nate why he thinks he is the boss, he just says “I Just Am.” One time, I recall being at asked by one of his friends from another school if people in Alden really call Nate the Boss. Although it was hard for me to crush Nathan’s ego, I had to inform them that the only one that refers to Nate as the Boss is himself. To Nathan’s defense, he has made great strides over the past few months in earing the reputation as the boss. I have started to hear people throughout school refer to him as the boss but never were they able to say it without bursting out laughing. For me, a lot has to happen in order for me to call him the boss. By that I mean, the only way I will ever call him the boss is if in some miraculous way, I will literally being working for him in which then I could honestly call him my boss. Until that day, Nate will never be the Bo$$.

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