Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog 3 Remember the Titans

One of my favorite movies of all time is Remember the Titans. This movie is about a high school football team in Virginia that integrates with an all-black high school. This movie takes place when segregation was coming to an end and schools started combining. This movie shows the struggles of how difficult life was back then when everything was segregated. It shows what these young men had to overcome in order to be a team. Most of the players on this team came from families in which were very prejudice and had strong feelings of hatred against the other race. These men were able to bond together despite what others thought and became a team and a family. This movie was very inspirational for me because it taught me how to be a good teammate and how important football can be to a young man and a community. Also, in one part of the movie, an All-American linebacker is paralyzed and never gets to walk again. With the team gathering around him, he was able to move on with his life and stay positive about what he had to live with. This made me realize that sometimes life isn’t always fair and to never take things for granted. I thought that this was a great moving and was very inspirational.

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