Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog 2 Coach Carter

The movie Coach Carter is one of my favorite movies of all time. This movie is about an undisciplined high school basketball team in a poor neighborhood of Richmond, CA. In this movie, Samuel L. Jackson comes in as the new coach who is a stickler about discipline and demands the boys respect before they can play. With Richmond being a rough neighborhood, many boys resent Coach Carter and end up quitting the team. The boys who do stick with end up becoming gentlemen rather than thugs and learn what its’ like to become a team and a family. This movie was very inspirational for me because it was a great example of how all different kinds of people can come together and become something great. It also was a good example of how sports can be so beneficial in a young athlete’s life. In one part of the movie, Cruz, one of the players that quit the team was involved in a shooting and watched his cousin get killed. This showed Cruz that if he didn’t change his ways, he would end up like his cousin. This part of the movie made me grateful for all that I have and lucky to have grown up in such a safe environment. Not to mention, it opened my eyes to the fact that shootings and tragedies actually take place like this and that I should be thankful for how lucky I am.

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